Lucky Frog Tarot
Leaping forward into the unknown!
"Tarot Readings, Mediumship, Psychic Impressions, and Dream Interpretations!"

Welcome and Greetings! Allow me to welcome you to the virtual home of Lucky Frog Tarot! I'm Dayna Winters, the founder and owner. I'm excited about the launch of the official website. It seems like forever since I manifested the idea for Lucky Frog’s creation. Now, the day is finally here where I can draw back the virtual stage curtain to let others see the birth of the website. I look forward to meeting new people along the way. Here I'll get the opportunity to help others gain the insight and clarity they seek!
Lucky Frog Tarot has been in the planning stages for several months. In truth though, it has far earlier beginnings. And now I’m finally opening the virtual doors for business! It's like I’m releasing a new child into the ever-changing world!
Welcome and Greetings! Allow me to welcome you to the virtual home of Lucky Frog Tarot! I'm Dayna Winters, the founder and owner. I'm excited about the launch of the official website. It seems like forever since I manifested the idea for Lucky Frog’s creation. Now, the day is finally here where I can draw back the virtual stage curtain to let others see the birth of the website. I look forward to meeting new people along the way. Here I'll get the opportunity to help others gain the insight and clarity they seek!
Lucky Frog Tarot has been in the planning stages for several months. In truth though, it has far earlier beginnings. And now I’m finally opening the virtual doors for business! It's like I’m releasing a new child into the ever-changing world!
Many moons ago and way more than I’d like to admit, I was a young girl. If my faulty memory serves me at all correctly, I was around eight or nine years old when I had an experience that is still important to me 37 years later (Ouch, admitting that I’m getting old here folks!). I wanted to play with the neighborhood kids. I went down the street from my home to find the kids I enjoyed playing with from time to time.
When I found them, they stood in a circle around a small light blue kiddie pool. Everyone was smiling and laughing while watching tiny frogs hop around in the pool. It was so cool to see the frogs hopping around (I thought they were cute after all … hey, it’s all about perspective you know). I asked if I could play too. After a bit of discussion between them all, they felt it better I didn’t join in because I didn’t have a frog of my own.
My heart sank.
I walked home, hearing the kids playing as I dragged myself back to my house crying (yes, I was a big baby, thanks!). I sat down on the front steps of my porch. I remember sitting next to a giant green bush with purple flowers. You know the kind you can pop like bubble wrap if you are gentle when you squeeze the lavender petals? Loved doing that every year too. So, there I sat disappointed and having myself a good cry.
Now, you know I'm psyched at this point, right? Yes, here it is safe to imagine the HUGE grin on my face. I started the short walk back to the neighbor’s house. Here I had the big old bull frog hanging out in front of me as I held it away at arms’ length. I had to, otherwise it would have been peeing all over me! When I showed up with the frog the other kids all had similar responses: SHOCK! I must admit it felt pretty good to see their mouths hanging open like that.
They let me join it, but the playtime was short lived. All their frogs started escaping the pool. Of course, they blamed me and my big bull frog friend for scaring everybody off! Figures, right!
It didn’t matter. That big old bull frog made my day. It put a huge smile on my face when I felt down right terrible and rejected. I released the frog back where I got him from, and I was grateful for the experience. I know now more than ever that the moment was a gift from the Universe. It was one of those moments in life where you don't have the words to describe. It's when you have the realization that there's something far greater than you. It's that moment when you know in your heart the Universe has your back. I was in awe of the moment.
I still am.
Some people ask me if the above story is true. I'm here to tell you a truer story you have never heard.
Fast forward 30 plus years. I still hold that memory in my mind. It reminds me that no matter how difficult things become, there are blessings in our lives. Sometimes we need to stop and refocus. We need to change our perspective. Then those blessings become all too visible. With the cloak of negativity lifted we can see life anew.
The frog remains a totem for me until this day. It teaches of adaptability and change. The frog tells us of our ability to transform the situations in our lives. It is also a symbol of being able to walk between the spirit world and the physical. It is the skill belonging to the Tarot reader and dream interpreter. It is the same for those who tune into their innate psychic abilities.
Thinking about Lucky Frog Tarot's development brings the image of The Empress to mind. The Empress is from the Major Arcana in the Tarot. Now, some card readers consider The Empress as a representation of the Goddess Freyja. Others suggest it is Venus or Aphrodite. The symbol of the planet Venus appears in the Rider-Waite image and relates to love and fertility. Hence, the Venus correspondence makes sense.
I am a huge fan of mythology no matter from which culture it stems. For me though, The Empress is the fertility goddess Demeter. She wears a white robe covered in garnet red pomegranates, serving as a symbol of unity. But the card is a message about the ability to cultivate a bountiful harvest. When thinking of nurturing, this card is about giving birth to something like an idea or concept. But, it’s also about being open to abundance. That’s what my hopes are for Lucky Frog Tarot:
It is the birth of a new idea brought into manifestation!
May the Universe allow for its continuous success!
I enjoy giving readings and helping others learn the art of dream analysis. I offer readings to anyone who is serious about tarot, psychic impressions, and dreams. If you are looking to harness such tools for insight and the betterment of your life, then I'm here to help you. I am a firm believer in the use of tarot for developing an elevated or new view of life events and relationships. Tarot is powerful when your emotions have you too close to a situation or relationship to see it clear. Dreams offer similar insight as they speak to you in personalized symbols. You can use both to take a fresh look at existing relationships. Tarot and dreams offer you a way to look at yourself and the way you interact with the world anew.
I've been reading Tarot cards since my early twenties so, I have at least well over twenty years under my belt (and I cringe when I say that because it makes me think of just how old I'm getting!). Still, I find Tarot and its language of symbols is a lifelong learning process. The more we experience in life, and the more we work with symbols, the richer a resource like tarot becomes.
Tarot readings and dream interpretation: I’ve been passionate for both for over 25 years. Why? We are all seekers on our life's journey. We all bring to the table a lifetime of unique experiences and understandings. Every reading differs because our understanding of symbols is personal. Our individual experiences are what color that rich language of symbols. There's always something to learn from messages and insights in Tarot and dreams. We only need to stop long enough to seek and contemplate.
Again, I welcome you to Lucky Frog Tarot. Please feel free to explore! When you are ready, I'm here to help you uncover the wisdom and clarity you seek! If you ever have any questions, feel free to contact me. My responses are prompt. With that, I also welcome any feedback, so again feel free to get in touch! In the meantime, please bookmark the site. I hope you'll stick around and see Lucky Frog Tarot grow from its birth to its destiny!
I look forward to helping you discover the wisdom you seek.
Blessings to you all, my friends. Here’s to living mindful and wise.

Dayna Winters is a Wiccan practitioner, Priestess, freelance writer, and an award-winning author. She earned an Associate in Arts from Hudson Valley Community College, and later graduated magna cum laude from Sage College with a Bachelor of Arts in English. Dayna is one of the former co-founders and co-directors of ISIS Paranormal Investigations in Upstate New York, and the former producer and co-host of ISIS Paranormal Radio.
Dayna’s publications have appeared in Threads Magazine, Crescent Magazine, Blood Moon Rising Magazine, and The Journal for the Academic Study of Magic. Her radio interviews include Alabama ParaSpiritual Talk Radio Show, the X-Zone Radio Show with Rob McConnell, Haunted Voices Radio, The Morning Rush Show on Fly 92.3 FM, and Paranormal Radio with Captain Jack, among others. Dayna was also featured in Chat: It’s Fate; 14 Degrees: A Paranormal Documentary, and Discovery Channel’s A Haunting. She is the co-author of Wicca: What’s the Real Deal? Breaking Through the Misconceptions released by Schiffer Books, July 2011.
Dayna wrote two columns for Examiner.com when the site was still in existence: A regular column on Wicca and one on Dreams. She is the former assistant editor of Support Local Arts Magazine and remained so until a standstill in the magazine’s production. She is an active editor and book cover creator for Slate Run Publishing.
Dayna is the co-author of “Sacred Objects, Sacred Space: Everyday Tools for the Modern-Day Witch,” and “The Esoteric Dream Book: Mastering the Magickal Symbolism of the Subconscious Mind,” both of which are Schiffer publications. Dayna latest writing endeavors include a column for Haunted Voices Magazine entitled, “Entering the Dreamsphere.”
Dayna loves all sorts of creative endeavors, including drawing, painting, and making jewelry. She owns Jewels by Dayna where she sell Pagan and non-pagan handcrafted items. She has made several book covers and her artwork is available for sale at Fine Art America. Today still writes in her free time and is a professional tarot reader and dream interpreter.
As I sat there I looked over at the bush. It took a few minutes for me to realize what I was looking at. Yes … is that … is that what I think it is? Yes, it is! There were two GIANT eyeballs peering back at me from under the long shady leaves of the bush. It was slow to register in my mind but when it did, I reached right in and scooped it up. It was the biggest bull frog I had ever seen in my young years of life!